Harnessing the healing power of hyperbaric O2


Patient-Focused Care

The M02R staff are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of Hyperbaric therapy, wound care services and standards of patient support, from the moment you walk through the clinic doors to follow-up after completing your treatment program. With years of experience, our fully-certified experienced staff, are committed to ensuring that the care you receive is optimized to meet your specific requirements in tissue regeneration.


is dedicated to patient centered care. Each staff member is professionally trained in their role and excited to be a part of the team. We strive for excellence and look forward to helping our patients.


Dec 2014 - Agreement to launch Inaugural Clinical Research Facility in Mississauga

Dec 2014 - Progress towards Opening of Clinical Hyperbaric Facility

March 2015 - Securing the Leadership of Dr. Wayne Evans as Medical Director

June 2015 - Official Opening of Facility

May 2021 -   CO2 Monitoring of human presence introduced to document social distancing of humans present in the clinic

Feb 2017  - Opening of associated co-located service: Radiotherapy Late Effects Clinic see http://radiotherapylateeffects.com/

September 2019 - Opening of associated co-located service: Mississauga Wound & Foot Center  see https://mississaugawoundclinic.ca/

March 2020 - Temporary Closure - per government order due to Covid 19 Pandemic

April 2020 – Implementation of highest level protection measures to ensure safety to our immunocompromised patient population   see https://drwayneevans.ca/safe-buildings/

April 2020 - Reopening of limited service - extreme social distancing and clinic expansion to increase social-distancing

July 2020 – Full service operation and implementation of multiple medical grade portable air cleaners with HEPA filtration and germicidal ultraviolet light added to the facility

March 2021 - MERV13 filtration installed for the facility HVAC system - ensures virus-free environment

May 2021 -   Implementation of CO2 monitoring to document social distancing of humans present in the clinic see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxLpMQX3fMY

December 2021 - Dr A. Wayne Evans is the first in Ontario to Receive the National Hyperbaric Medicine Certification